ISBN 9789384129934|EPUB|2015|CinnamonTeal Publishing
Although prodded by his parents to secure a government job, Hari would rather spend his time idly. By the time he realizes his mistakes, time and opportunities have passed by him.
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ISBN 9789384129934|EPUB|2015|CinnamonTeal Publishing
Although prodded by his parents to secure a government job, Hari would rather spend his time idly. By the time he realizes his mistakes, time and opportunities have passed by him.
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Although prodded by his parents, Hari, the protagonist of this story, is not inclined to secure the government job they would like him to have. He would rather spend his time idly, even after having understood that idle pursuits get him nowhere. By the time he has realised his mistakes, time and opportunities have passed him by. Hari is now left with the prospect of facing a bleak and barren future.
Year of Publication:
CinnamonTeal Publishing
Vishnu Sekhar
About the Author
The author, an English teacher at KVS Adoor, lives in Kottukkal with his wife, Dr. Aswathy M.R and daughter, Aaradhya V Sekhar. He was born in Kerala to D.Chandra Sekharan Nair and Jalaja Kumari in March 1981. This is his first novel.
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