ISBN 9789384129675|MOBI|2014|CinnamonTeal Publishing
This is the story of an info-tech baron who has come up the hard way in life. A visionary, a loving husband and a caring father. All set for greater glory in his pursuit for honest excellence...until his nemesis arrives in the form of his own son.
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ISBN 9789384129675|MOBI|2014|CinnamonTeal Publishing
This is the story of an info-tech baron who has come up the hard way in life. A visionary, a loving husband and a caring father. All set for greater glory in his pursuit for honest excellence...until his nemesis arrives in the form of his own son.
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The library is accessible by logging into this website, so make sure you register yourself before purchasing the book.
‘Princes like crabs have a notorious tendency of eating up their begetter. When they are wanting in filial affection, they shall better be punished…’
– Chapter XVIII-Arthasastra of Kautilya
This is the story of an info-tech baron who has come up the hard way in life. A visionary, a loving husband and a caring father. All set for greater glory in his pursuit for honest excellence – until his nemesis arrives in the form of his own son. The Prince, the heir-to-be – who takes for granted his right to his fathers IT-empire. The prince walks out grabbing his pound of flesh, straight into the life of a Bollywood starlet. When IT merges with Bollywood it is fireworks, and from the conflict the ICON emerges!
Year of Publication:
CinnamonTeal Publishing
Nathan and Sivaram
About the Authors
Nathan and Sivaram are two NRIs, both engineers by profession, one from Mumbai and the other from Chennai. Nathan is currently residing in the Middle East, and frequently travels to Mumbai. Sivaram has extensively travelled all over the world while working in India, and is in the US since 2001,presently working for a leading biotech company in Bay Area, California.
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