ISBN 9789386301062|PDF|2016|CinnamonTeal Publishing
The book Wilderness Tales from Similipal tells about the mythical, magical and mystical forest of Odisha. The author has shared not only his experiences but also has touched upon various aspects of wildlife conservation.
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“Satyesh’s tales will take you through Similipal’s wonderland and bring alive some of the magic that has awakened the souls of those fortunate enough to be in love with things wild.”
Bittu Sahgal, Editor, Sanctuary Asia
“The glory of the Similipal landscape, aptly called the Himalaya of Odisha, is vividly captured by Satyesh Naik in 27 short articles and over 100 beautiful photographs.”
Dr. A.J.T.Johnsingh, Nature Conservation Foundation and WWF – India.
“I hope this book on Similipal is available widely so that more and more people are enriched with knowledge of their natural heritage.”
Bikram Grewal, Author of several guides to birds of the Indian Subcontinent
“The book clearly reveals the “love affair” between the author and Simlipal. I look forward to more such books from Satyesh’s pen.”
Prosenjit Das Gupta, Author of Walks in the Wild, 10 Walks in Calcutta and others.
“In these times of the sixth extinction crisis, this publication will not only regale the reader with great stories from the enchanting Similipal forests, but will also foster interest in the minds of the young generation towards biodiversity, ecosystems and environment.”
Panchami Manoo Ukil, Founder – The Bhubaneswar Bird Walks (TBBW)
Satyesh Naik
CinnamonTeal Publishing
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About the Authors
Satyesh Naik is a wildlife conservationist and writer from Odisha. He has been visiting the lesser known, but ecologically rich, sanctuaries of the state with a passion to capture, document and preserve wildlife. He shares his experiences through his blog, “Wilderness Tales from Odisha”. Satyesh has aided the Odisha Forest department in its photographic documentation of the avifauna diversity. He has co-authored books titled “Birds of Satkosia Landscape” and “Birds of Similipal Biosphere Reserve”. Some of his articles have appeared in national wildlife magazines. He is a graduate in Mechanical Engineering and has completed his masters degree in Human Resources Management. He currently works as an HR professional in Hyderabad.
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